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300Hr Advanced Teacher Training
Advanced Teacher Training is focused finding the teacher’s authentic voice and refining their craft through a deep exploration and application of artful teaching skills, anatomy, subtle body anatomy, and the heart of mythology, bhakti, & philosophy study. Abhaya’s 300 hour course provides an incredibly integrated experience that allows the training teacher to merge their favorite aspects of the practice and create a new and fresh, profound environment for Yoga in their classes.
Our 300 Hour Advanced Teacher Training is for the dedicated teacher that wants to dive in, spend consistent time with one particular group and build a trusting environment for growth. One thing I have experienced through the years of teaching teachers, is that the wisdom that emerges from teaching takes time and should be nurtured. While learning information is helpful, and we do that, I like to focus on HOW the teacher imparts the material. Our focus is in supporting the individual so that they may become a leader in their own way and own voice.” Tara, owner and principal teacher
- Go on an extended 7 month journey with close group & like minded seekers
- Have ample and proper time to assimilate the deep teachings and opportunity to apply in your classes
- One on One Mentoring and Feedback sessions
- Assist and observe in Abhaya Classes with senior teachers
- Gain experience in your particular field of interest
- Become connected with Abhaya Yoga Foundation’s Non Profit programs
The Abhaya Method focuses on the return to our natural state. Yoga provides the means toward awakening body, mind and ultimately one’s life. The method focuses on deepening awareness while releasing holding and gripping patterns in the body and mind. Each layer of experience from most gross to most subtle is explored through asana, pranayama, meditation, subtle body techniques, philosophy study, chanting, and community support. The Method unfolds through 5 “maps” or koshas from the most gross to most subtle; Physical, Energetic, Mind/Emotional, Intuitive/Wisdom, and Heart.SCHEDULE
Required Core Hours
- Teaching Skills & Anatomy
- January – June, 2022
- Wednesdays: 6pm-9pm
- Fridays: 4pm – 9pm
- Saturdays: 9am – 6pm
- Sundays: 9am – 6pm
Elective Hours
- Philosophy / Mentoring
- January – June, 2022
- Details to come
- Observation and Verbal Skills Refined
- Sequencing for various levels (Intermediate, Therapeutic/ injured, Private, Trauma Groups)
- Subtle Body/ Energetic and Hands on Adjustments
- Class construction integrating physical and subtle body
- Languaging and “Coding” to create a powerful class
- Applied Anatomy & relationship to Pranic Body
- Applied Therapeutics
- Osteoperosis- Yoga for Aging
- Subtle Body Anatomy as it relates to the Physical Body
- Applied Ayurveda (advanced studies)
- Teaching Meditation and Pranayama
- Mantra (chant study)
- Harmonium
- Theme integration
- Mythology and Storytelling
- Yoga Nidra
- Pre-Natal
Teachers will have the opportunity for one on one mentoring and feedback sessions. The mentor sessions are a rare and special time to practice their teaching skills learned in the previous session. Training teachers will come prepared with segments to teach and to receive feedback. Mentor Sessions are 1.5 hrs/ week.REQUIREMENTS
- Attendance (280 contact hours)
- Class Construction Sheets
- Reading and Homework from required reading
- Teaching a Final 50 min Integrated Yoga class to the Abhaya Community and Lead Trainers
- Practicum; Assisting, Observing and One on One Hands on Adjustments at least 3 Abhaya Classes
“Abhaya’s advanced teacher training takes you to a level of mastery and empowerment that you didn’t know you were capable of – where you actually feel knowledge become embodied wisdom – and you learn to teach from that place. I highly recommend it, as it is such a deep-felt transformative experience.”

Tara Glazier
Tara Glazier, owner/founder and creative director of Abhaya Yoga since its inception in 2010 has 16 years experience teaching yoga, 10 years teaching therapeutic trainings, and a lifetime in her body as a dancer. In 2013 she codified The Abhaya Method as a way to offer a non-dogmatic approach to learning and unlearning new pathways toward healing and awakening. With a background and degree in Pedagogy, she has a passion for the Art of Teaching and instills this love and skill into her trainings. She holds a BFA from the Hartt School, and is certified in Vinyasa and formerly Anusara as well as highly qualified in yoga therapeutics. In 2015, Tara founded the Abhaya Yoga Foundation which brings yoga and mindfulness to disadvantaged groups; scholarships to diverse groups for Teacher Training, Women’s Trauma and At-Risk Youth. It is Tara’s greatest fulfillment to train teachers and offer to them the transformative power of yoga that also changed her life.
Tara has been training skillful, spirited, successful yoga teachers for over 10 years!

Narisara blends poetry, the arts & science, anatomy studies & dharma into her classes and draws inspiration from everyday urban life. She has a master’s in arts administration from Teachers College, Columbia University and is a graduate of Coro Leadership NY. A former dancer and photographer, Narisara Vanichanan received her 200-hr and 500-hr yoga teacher training from OM Yoga Center under Cyndi Lee, Pre-Natal Yoga certification from Janice Clarfield, Yin Yoga certification from Corina Benner, Restorative Yoga training from Judith Hanson Lasater, and is a graduate from the OM Meditation Teacher Training program. She is also certified an additional 200-hr Therapeutic Yoga from Abhyasa Yoga Center, in Yoga for Cancer with Tari Prinster and has practiced vipassana (insight) meditation for over 17 years.
Ellen Saltonstall (E-RYT 500) is a yoga instructor and body therapist based in New York with extensive training in the Iyengar and Anusara methods. She developed and teaches Bodymind Ballwork, a method of self-massage using rubber balls. Ellen has authored three books: Yoga for Arthritis, 2008, and Yoga for Osteoporosis, 2010 with Dr. Loren Fishman, and her new book Anatomy & Yoga: A Guide for Teachers and Students, released in December 2016. www.ellensaltonstall.com.
Seth Lieberman is a yoga instructor and musician based in New York and New Jersey. Born in Brooklyn, raised in New Jersey, he began his music studies at an early age taking private instruction in clarinet, saxophone, piano, and voice. Seth studied Music Performance, Theory, and Composition at the University of Maryland where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Music Degree in 2005. Along the way Seth found a connection back to music through the various yoga traditions of chanting and kirtan (group devotional chanting), teaching integrated music lessons, and creating original music for yoga classes with live music performance. http://soonintune.com/
Dr. Naina Marballi has been healing clients, conducting workshops and hosting Ayurvedic Study Certification Programs based in New York City since 1998. After acquiring her B.S.A.M. (Bachelor of Shuddha Ayurvedic Medicine) degree from India’s premier educational institute, she began her career as an Ayurvedic Physician (Ayurvedacharya) with Podar Ayurveda College and Research Center in Mumbai, India. Her specialty lies in disease prevention; through pulse reading, she is able to analyze imbalances within the chakras, mind, and body and provide insight for healing. ayurvedasworld.com
Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton is a teacher and translator of Tibetan Buddhism. She is the Assistant Spiritual Director and Lead Authorized Teacher for Tara Mandala Retreat Center, founded by Lama Tsultrim Allione. She has taught Buddhism and Yoga since 2001 and co-translated Sublime Dharma: A Compilation of Two Texts on the Great Perfection, published in 2012. She also is a teacher of Shadow Yoga. She is currently on the Tara Mandala Board of Directors and the Tara Mandala Bay Area coordinating committee, through which she teaches and organizes events in the Bay Area. Visit www.shunyatayoga.com and www.taramandalasf.org
Sally’s current work interprets the wisdom of the tantras for mature contemporary aspirants, drawing on depth psychology and neuroscience as well as the insights of Integral philosopher Ken Wilber. Though Sally offers many courses for beginning meditation students, she is also regarded as a ‘teacher’s teacher’, whose approach inspires long-time practitioners to free themselves from routine meditation practice, and move deeper. She teaches meditation as a process of inner exploration, in which we learn to integrate heart, mind and body in order to experience our natural state of wisdom and love. Sally also offers a wide variety of classes on yogic wisdom texts, as well as hands-on, contemplative practices for moving through psychological obstructions, understanding the intricacies of inner life, and how to apply spiritual principles to relationships, work, and life in our time. Students say that her classes create an atmosphere of support and joy that allows deep exploration. “Sally’s classes are deeply transformative,” a student says. “Her guidance is gentle and loving, yet challenging in all the right ways. She brings yogic teachings out of the books, and into real life in a way that makes it totally practical.”BENEFITS OF THE 300-HOUR TRAINING
- Become a more skillful teacher that is able to teach a solid, inspiring class while attending to everyone and even therapeutic issues in the room
- Increase your therapeutic knowledge and become a sought after teacher for private lessons
- Learn skills to increase the size of your group classes
- Educate yourself in the specific field you are interested in and become more specialized
- Learn from some of the best yoga teachers in the world that are steeped in a lineage of Tantra and yoga education
- Find potential opportunity with Abhaya, various affiliated service projects, and the larger network Abhaya has connections to. Abhaya works with the students to help them find opportunity in the world of yoga.