Classical Yoga Nidra
This nourishing workshop calls on the healing practices of Classical Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation and powerful transformation. Yoga Nidra is an altered state of relaxed awareness which dissolves obstacles and supports us on our path to discover our True Nature.The benefits of this practice are:- Bringing a greater sense of health and wellness into our lives- Cultivate relaxation- Reduce chronic stress- Boost the immune system- Promote a restful sleep- Create a greater sense of ease in our relationships- Allow us to take responsibility for creating our own reality Come experience the deep peace that lives within you. 5 Pre-Registration Required

Sue Neufeld
Sue Neufeld is a Level 2 certified ParaYoga teacher and member of the ParaYoga certification committee. ParaYoga founder Rod Stryker initiated her into the lineage of Swami Rama of the Himalayas in April 2005...
Meet Sue Neufeld