
Continuing Education || Applied Subtle Body Anatomy || Vayus & Chakras as They Apply to the Endocrine System and Poses to Awaken

Continuing Education || Applied Subtle Body Anatomy || Vayus & Chakras as They Apply to the Endocrine System and Poses to Awaken

Led by: Tara Glazier

From September 26, 2025 at 2:00 pm until September 28, 2025 at 4:00 pm at Dumbo

2025 Schedule:
    Friday Sept 26 2-4pm, 5-9pm
    Saturday Sept 27 1-6pm
    Sept 28 9-11:15am, 12-4pm 
  Within the body are 5 Koshas or layers, that describe our experience from Gross to Subtle Body.  Annamaya Kosha is our physical/ food body and below or deeper than that, is Pranamaya Kosha. Pranamaya Kosha is a beautiful landscape of energy and prana, sometimes referred to as the “fluid” or subtle body and includes: the Vayus & the Chakras. This inner world is deeply impacted by the psychological secretions of hormones as well as nourishment brought in through the physical body. Yoga assists us in awakening the Prana, or “life force” within the body. By breathing more fully, we become animate, alive, and open.     The pranic body is a mysterious yet very felt, visceral experience in the body/mind. The Vayus describe the 5 primary ways in which prana moves within the body. The Chakras, or “wheels” of energy correlate to the glandular plexuses that quite literally exist along the spine. The Chakras relate to the endocrine system and affect our energy, mood, and consciousness. It is said that the chakras are associated with stages of development within our human lives. The good news is, as yogis, we can always restart, refresh, and reawaken where there is or has been obstruction or weakness.     Dive into the inner landscape with us as we explore how energy manifests.  As we become more aware of our own patterns, breathing patterns, energy blocks, it helps us to move into greater freedom.     Learn: 
  • Detailed description of of the pranic body: prana, nadis, vayus, chakras
  • Detailed description of the Endocrine system, major glands, and function 
  • Influence of these hormones on our body/mind/heart
  • Observing Vayu breath patterns 
Queuing and Instructions to guide our students into the Subtle Body