Continuing Education || The Art of Theme Development || The Narrative Theme || Bring Yoga to Life through Story, Myth, & Physical Narrative

Led by: Tara Glazier
From December 6, 2024 at 2:00 pm until December 8, 2024 at 4:00 pm at Dumbo
Dec 6th, Friday — 2-4pm, 5-9pm
Dec 7th, Saturday — 1-4:45pm
Dec 8th, Sunday — 9-11:15am, 12-4pm
Just like the sequence has an intelligent flow, as can the theme. First we begin to create a physical narrative with the Abhaya Method as the backdrop. Where is the class going? Where do we want it to culminate both physically, and subtly as it pertains to the
bigger “goals” of yoga? Once we are clear on the physical coding and sequencing, we can begin to dive into the “narrative”. Using scripture, mythology, poetry and teachings that inspire, we can create our own fabric. Bring with you some of your favorite myths.
We will read, explore, research together and then work to break
down the code of the theme within the body. From there, we can
create our class.
*Recommended to take the Tantric Principles in a Modern World
Review of types of classes; experiential/ conceptual, toward Apex, potpourri (full spectrum)
- Learn specific templates for Narrative theme classes
- Learn how to code a theme into a physical asana class
- Learn how to use seed sentences for potency and clarity