
Handstand & Handstand Assist Tutorial

Handstand & Handstand Assist Tutorial

Led by: Tara Glazier

From May 21, 2023 at 11:30 am until May 21, 2023 at 12:30 pm at Dumbo

Handstand is one of the most empowering poses! We take the alignment for Downward Dog and arm balances now upside down. It seems daunting, but there is a technique to it. We begin by detailing the architecture of Downward Dog and non-weight bearing poses. Downward Dog becomes handstand and fully helps us to feel the component of integration of the upper arm bone in the shoulder joint. From there, we can utilize the shoulder girdle strength as well as thicker muscle tissues in the mid-back to stabilize the posture. The second powerful step in empowering the posture is to now work with a partner away from the wall! The wall is a nice training wheel, but it can create dependency and a magnetic pull. When we are in the middle with partner support, we can more fully feel our core muscles, midline/ vertical center, and challenge ourselves to drop into balance. Don’t worry, you will be supported. *You always have the option to observe. No pressure to hold someone.
    Learn and Relearn: Wall Dog L- shape Handstand vertical at the wall
*Assist (optional- one can learn a lot by observing as well): Basic Handstand at the wall Handstand with two or one partner in the center Handstand variations for those who are comfortable to go on $25/$35 Online/At the door