The Heart of Bhakti || The Yoga of Devotion with Tara Glazier & Kathryn Robinson

Led by: Tara Glazier and Kathryn Robinson
From January 17, 2025 at 12:00 am until January 19, 2025 at 12:00 am at Dumbo
The Heart of Bhakti || The Yoga of Devotion with Tara Glazier & Kathryn Robinson
2025 Schedule
Jan 17th, Friday — 2-4pm, 5-9pm
Jan 18th, Saturday — 1-4:45pm
Jan 19th, Sunday — 9-11:15am, 12-4pm
Bhakti is defined as the “sharing in or participating in a Divine Love”. It can also be known as the yoga of “surrender” or devotion. Bhaktas were always more interested in doing or being close to the Divine, and less interested in thinking or philosophizing about it. To that end, the practices oriented around experiential practices that would bring one closer to God or to a Universal Energy of connection. Practices include: mantra, chanting the names of the Divine, meditation, puja (creation of a devotional altar, Deity worship and/ or honoring the Divine in all its forms. Bhakti practices can also include ore human and mundane activities, as everything is seen as a portal into divine. The key to Bhakti is relationship here and so we can find the Divine in all of our relationships: partners, children, pets, friends and so on. Bhaktas enter into the the material world with eyes of the Divine and seek connection, universality, non-dualism and appreciation for everyone and everything in their path. In this deep dive into the Heart.
● Bhakti philosophy and texts applicable to yoga classes from the Bhakti Sutras, by Narada and the Heart of Devotion by Bill Mahony
● Integration of Bhakti thematic elements into yoga classes
● Devotional meditation, mudra, and mantra practices
● Creation of puja (devotional altar)
● Simple chords and chants on harmonium
● New friends on the path! (kaliana maitra/ spiritual community)
Recommended Resources:
The Bhakti Sutras by Narada
The Heart of Devotion by Bill Mahony
The Heart of the Yoga by Doug Keler