Full Moon Kundalini Ceremony

Led by: Amanbir Singh
From August 26, 2018 at 6:00 pm until August 26, 2018 at 8:00 pm at Gowanus
On this evening of the Pisces full moon let's gather in Community, Music, Chant, & Deep Kundalini Meditation.
The full moon is a culmination of energy. A full moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun with us on earth in the center. During this time, the moon is able to reflect the most amount of light from the sun back towards us at night - which is the most receptive time.
The Sun - The Conscious Mind - Ra - Pingala - Right Pillar of the Tree of Life - Yin - however you may associate it, reflects the active force of life and spirit. The Moon - The Subconscious Mind - Ma - Ida - Left Pillar of the Tree of Life - Yin - is the receptive force of matter and spirit. When we have a full moon this receptive aspect of the life becomes much more present as the active force of the sun moves through the receptivity of the moon's current.
This full moon is a potent time to gather to merge our consciousness into a higher realm of love, bliss, and creativity.
Amanbir is a licensed acupuncturist and yoga therapist with over 13 years experience of teaching Kundalini Yoga. He is the director and a head trainer in both level 1 and level 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainings around the world with his mentor Gurmukh. He brings his sense of humor, uplifting music, and extensive knowledge of the healing field into every class.
Sunday, August 26th
6 - 8 PM
$30 early bird / $40 day of / members receive a 20% discount!