Laya Yoga: Diving into the Deep End of Yoga Practice
The Hatha Yoga tradition is a combination of the discipline of asana and pranayama, and the realm of deeper work that takes place in ‘Laya Yoga’ — the gateway to which is pranayama, and the fulfillment of which is deep, spontaneous meditation. The evening session will visit the practice of Yoga Nidra as central to the ‘Laya’ experience — which means to ‘dissolve’ or become ‘spacious’ — through simple pranayama, culminating in guided meditation. Key concepts of the ‘granthis’ or psychic ‘knots’ embedded in the body that hamper meditation as well as waking life will be explained, as well as how and why the ‘Laya’ aspect of Hatha Yoga is able to go where asana practice cannot.0/0 (after 3/11)

Doug Keller
Doug Keller’s background reflects a lifelong commitment to the vast field of yoga. After receiving degrees in philosophy from Georgetown and Fordham University and teaching philosophy at a college level, he pursued a practical experience of yoga at the ashram Gurudev Siddha Peeth in India — which in turn also led him to the practice of hatha yoga as part of his overall experience of yoga...
Meet Doug Keller