Living with the Goddess

Led by: Tara Glazier + Kathryn Robinson
From January 28, 2024 at 2:00 pm until January 17, 2024 at 3:30 pm at Dumbo
The Principles of the Goddess awaken us to the potential of our own consciousness and the loving consciousness that pervades everyone and everything. When we are closed off to her energy or support, life can feel heavy and daunting. By just opening the door or simply welcoming her consciousness she is right there with us.
She is with us putting our kids to sleep at night, she is with us when we are arguing with our partner, she is with us in the most ecstatic bliss and the depths of our pain. She is loving us, supporting us and offering wisdom when we tune into her. Learn and practice specific practices and tools to bring into everyday life with you: sankalpa/ prayer, Inquiry meditation, mantra meditation, visualization meditation, and murti meditation. All of this held in the great container of like minded company, deep discussion, and journaling. We close this session with devotional chanting led by Kathyrn,