
Manifest Your Intention (Through Asana & Yoga Nidra)

Manifest Your Intention (Through Asana & Yoga Nidra)

Led by: Nancy Rich and Sophia Holly

From December 31, 2018 at 10:00 pm until January 1, 2019 at 12:00 am at Dumbo

Flow peacefully into the New Year, quietly manifesting your dreams & visions into reality through asana & Yoga Nidra. What do you want to create for yourself this year? Often, we set resolutions and imagine how happy we will be once we reach them, only to abandon them in a few weeks. We can create our own reality, NOW, through Sankalpa (resolve) and ditch the resolutions this year. Let go & allow yourself to be guided through flowing asana set to music with Sophia Holly, moving toward quiet stillness & allowing the whisper of the soul to reveal the wisdom of your heart. From here you’ll surrender deep into the stillness of Classical Yoga Nidra, with Nancy Rich, and dream your dreams into reality.

Nancy Rich, E-RYT 500, a graduate of SUNY Stony Brook with a dual bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies and Psychology, is a partner at Abhaya Yoga, BK., where she has received a 500 hr. Yoga Alliance Teaching Certification. Nancy is thrilled to be a representative for the California College of Ayurveda’s Classical Yoga Nidra Certification course, where she’s also enrolled in the Ayurvedic Health Counselor Program. Additionally, she has earned her E-RYT 500 hours; Yoga Alliance approved Restorative Teacher training and 100 hr. Anatomy & Therapeutics Certification; Ayurvedic Massage & Body Therapy Certification course and 126 hr. Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy Certification through The California College of Ayurveda. Nancy is a Reiki Practitioner, at the Master Level, of the Usui System, aromatherapy practitioner and delights in the ability to offer different healing modalities to her students.

Sophia Holly is a 500 hour level yoga teacher, trained at Abhaya. Sophia teaches private and public yoga classes in NYC designed to help people love themselves, regardless of their ability and body size. She also teaches private sessions and yoga based workshops to help people heal their relationship with their body. Her classes are a blend of flowing movement, and relaxing restorative. Sophia teaches from a trauma informed lens, and is known for her accessible and supportive yoga classes. She has certifications in prenatal yoga and is a reiki 1 practitioner.

Monday, December 31st
10 PM - 12 AM
$35 early bird / $45 day of