Master Class

Led by: Lois Nesbitt
From April 25, 2012 at 2:00 pm until April 25, 2012 at 4:00 pm at Dumbo
Recommit to expanding your practice and join our open-hearted community of yogis growing together on Wednesday afternoons. We are delighted to welcome back Lois Nesbitt, one of Anusara's most seasoned teachers, to lead us through these two master classesThis practice is perfect for intermediate and advanced yogis and teachers of all traditions.5 online/0 at the door
Lois Nesbitt
Lois Nesbitt, voted one of New York City’s Top Five Yoga Teachers by New York magazine, is internationally recognized for both her advanced practice and the depth of her teaching, Lois travels the world to offer workshops, retreats, and teacher trainings...
Meet Lois Nesbitt