SKILL IN ACTION - Advanced Practice

Led by: Sianna Sherman
From April 27, 2013 at 12:00 pm until April 27, 2013 at 2:30 pm at Dumbo
The Bhagavad Gita teaches yoga as Skill in Action. Skill must be cultivated both on and off the mat. The tapasya (fiery discipline of yoga) of this advanced practice is dedicated to transformation for the embodied practice of life. This class will focus on skillful biomechanics, clear intention and loving presence. The asana sequence will progress through standing poses, arm balances, backbends and hip openers. Pranayama, chanting and meditation will be woven in through the tapestry of the class.Prerequisites: Regular practice of Adho Mukha Vrksasana (handstand) and Urdhva Dhanurasana (full upward facing bow). Strong, sweaty and fun practice.5/65 (after 4/20)75 For the entire weekend (5 sessions)/25(after 4/20)

Sianna Sherman
Sianna Sherman is an internationally recognized and certified Anusara Yoga teacher. In 2008 she was chosen by Yoga Journal as one of 21 talented young teachers who are shaping the future of yoga. Known for her artful fusion of heart, alignment, therapeutics and creative sequencing, Sianna facilitates a sacred space for each person to feel held in a wider embrace of compassion and love...
Meet Sianna Sherman