The Vayus — A Deeper Experience of their Role in Pranayama and Meditation

Led by: Doug Keller
From February 13, 2014 at 8:15 pm until February 13, 2014 at 9:45 pm at Dumbo
The ‘Vayus’ or ‘forces/functions’ of the Prana are among the oldest and most enduring concepts of yoga. We will look at their evolution, both within the context of meditation as we find it in the Upanishads, and the later transformation of these concepts in Ayurveda into a focus on health in terms of ‘Vata’ health. Special attention will be paid to the role of emotion and working with emotion, in light of the findings of contemporary science. The session will include discussion of these topics and guided practices of pranayama for an experience of the power of awareness of the Vayus for both health and meditation.5 pre-registered/5 week of

Doug Keller
Doug Keller’s background reflects a lifelong commitment to the vast field of yoga. After receiving degrees in philosophy from Georgetown and Fordham University and teaching philosophy at a college level, he pursued a practical experience of yoga at the ashram Gurudev Siddha Peeth in India — which in turn also led him to the practice of hatha yoga as part of his overall experience of yoga...
Meet Doug Keller