Vayus & Asana

Led by: Doug Keller
From March 20, 2016 at 12:00 pm until March 19, 2016 at 9:00 pm at Dumbo
The biomechanics ideas introduced by Myers and Sahrmann can be incorporated into a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of embodiment and movement at the heart of the Hatha Yoga tradition — which includes consciousness, feeling/emotion, and the work-in-progress building of a healthy Ahamkara or ‘I-sense’ that is at the heart of Hatha Yoga as a spiritual process. Key language for this is the ‘Vayus,’ which give us insight into our own state of being. Sunday’s training will center on explaining the role and relevance of the Vayus in yoga practice, and incorporating that understanding into the biomechanical principles covered on Saturday for a user-friendly and insightful approach to asana practice that integrates movement, breath, self-awareness and feeling as we move through fascial planes of prana. The session from 12-4 will cover the relationship of the Vayus to lower body and sacral/spinal concerns; the 6-9 session will cover the shoulders, shoulder blades and neck in upper body work.0/00 (after 3/13)

Doug Keller
Doug Keller’s background reflects a lifelong commitment to the vast field of yoga. After receiving degrees in philosophy from Georgetown and Fordham University and teaching philosophy at a college level, he pursued a practical experience of yoga at the ashram Gurudev Siddha Peeth in India — which in turn also led him to the practice of hatha yoga as part of his overall experience of yoga...
Meet Doug Keller