
What is Yoga? The Ancient and Modern Practices

What is Yoga? The Ancient and Modern Practices

Led by: Christopher Hareesh Wallis

From October 17, 2015 at 2:00 pm until October 17, 2015 at 5:00 pm at Dumbo

Yoga is a living tradition arising from the ancient meditative disciplines of India, yet has forgotten much of its own history. There is a new wave of work by scholars who are also practitioners whose goals are to reintegrate some of what has been forgotten, clarify the roots of many ideas and practices that are around today, and chart clearly the varied landscape of Indian spiritual thought. This is not simply a retrospective exercise but is done with a view to how these practices can contribute to our lives today. This workshop, packed with ahamoments, will help you understand where yoga came from and where it's going.5/0 (after 10/10)
Christopher Hareesh Wallis
Christopher Hareesh Wallis
Christopher Wallis, also known as Hareesh, was introduced to Indian spirituality at the age of seven and initiated into the practice of yogic meditation at sixteen. His degrees include a B.A. in Religion and Classics from the University of Rochester, an M...
Meet Christopher Hareesh Wallis