
Beginners Series

Beginners Series

Led by: Aaron Angel

From January 30, 2016 at 2:00 pm until February 13, 2016 at 3:30 pm at Dumbo

There are so many places to try yoga with so many different styles. There often is also the stigma of trying something that seems alienating from everything that you have ever experienced. For these reasons, Aaron has made it his mission to make yoga approachable and applicable for EVERYONE, not based on how tight or flexible you may be. Despite what you may have heard about yoga, you do not need to be limber, strong, balanced, or even pain free to reap the benefits of this ancient, healing practice. All it requires is being open and relaxed.Advanced Yoga for Beginners: Advanced Yoga for Beginners is a 3 part introductory series developed for people who have not tried yoga before. This series teaches you how to apply the principles of yoga in a way that suits your particular physical/mental needs.Learn how to: •Reduce Stress •Stay focused and relaxed through challenge •Notice and heal conditioned default patterns that cause pain/tightness •Feel better in your body •Apply yoga practices in any circumstance that life throws at you Aaron’s advanced approach to Yoga for Beginners takes a detailed look at the most fundamental poses to discover optimal health and comfort in your own body. Aaron shares his knowledge of the body and heart in a structured series that educates students on their own anatomy and challenges them in unique, comfortable, natural ways.3 week series 5 (0 after 1/16)
Aaron Angel
Aaron Angel
Aaron has been teaching yoga for five years, offering his teachings to thousands of yoga students in the New York community. Specializing in private yoga, Aaron has helped a roster of athletes, working professionals, yoga teachers, and many aspiring yogis to find a practice that truly inspires natural growth in mind and body...
Meet Aaron Angel