
Opening the Doorway of the Heart Through Asana || Post Thanksgiving Workshop In Person

Opening the Doorway of the Heart Through Asana || Post Thanksgiving Workshop In Person

Led by: Tara Glazier

From November 28, 2021 at 10:00 am until November 28, 2021 at 11:30 am at Dumbo

In person
The yoga tradition teaches us that we are already innately free, compassionate, and are “vidya”, full of wisdom. However, it is true that we don’t feel connected to these qualities all of the time. The body holds the key to locked doorways and pathways to feeling more and more human. Humans not only have the incredible and unique capacity to awaken, but also have the unique ability to reflect upon it, and share it with others. Asana can help us wake up to our own embodiment. Our practice paves the way for an organic unfolding of compassion. As we begin to feel more open and free in our bodies, our perspective shifts. What a gift to see life as it is. The simple moments, the painful moments, the loving moments, dark and sunny moments, all part of our own journey of unfolding. Asana is not only a way for us to build strength and flexibility, it is a way for us to open the locked door of our hearts and bodies into the fullness of our own humanity so that an inherent compassion and gratitude may arise. The workshop will focus on specific principles for releasing the 2 “gateways” of the body. Opening the lower gate of the pelvis/ hips and 2) the upper gate of the shoulders allows for freedom of the whole. Join Tara for a full embodied experience in a full spectrum workshop culminating in inversions, backbends, & meditation all with the intention of unlocking the doorway to the Heart. 9.26 Bhagavad Gita, Krishna: “Whatever is offered to me with true devotion- if only a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or a sip of water- I accept it because it is given with love”. In person- space very limited- proof of valid Covid-19 vaccination required Pricing
  • Members: $20 Regular: $38