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Bhāva Fridays
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Origins of the word Bhāva
“Bhāva is a sanskrit word that can be defined as “a way of being, a state of mind, temperament, attitude, personal manner, and also, “mood, feeling, sentiment, emotion”. In some contexts, it also means “inner essence or “spiritual heart”.” Excerpt Exquisite Love, by Bill Mahony Mahabhava: “The “great state, sublime state” that is Love; similarly, the devotional love that supports, stands within, and yet also transcends all other states.” Excerpts from Exquisite Love, by Bill MahonyTestimonials

“Friday evening Bhava class is deeply integrated and open experience of movement, wisdom and music. It’s evening of letting go with the body, while my mind rests into my heart. I’ve been coming to Bhava classes for six years and the evening never fails me. I leave with a reset into my natural vibe, blissed out each and every time.”