Michael Fergot

Michael Fergot 500RYT, Anusara Inspired, was introduced to Yoga in 1982 while studying at the U.W. Madison pursuing an Asian Studies Major. Flowing through several forms of martial arts into a dance career,Yoga has been a consistent thread in the tapestry of his life. In 2002, desiring a deeper understanding of what Yoga is and how to deepen his practice, he took his first of subsequently many teacher trainings, with Jackie Prete and Ellen Saltonstall. That teacher training transformed the trajectory of his life, and for more than a decade Michael has had the very good fortune to be a student/teacher full time, having spent tens of thousands of hours teaching and studying, to learn more deeply about Yoga. Yoga truly touches the inexhaustible. In 2013 Michael completed an Advanced Teacher Training with Tara Glazier and Zhenja La Rosa, and looks forward to continuing his studies and sharing Yoga's gift of revealing our Self to ourselves. While there have been numerous, wonderful teachers for Michael over the decades, at present Paul Muller Ortega and Noah Maze are particularly influential.
Yoga Workshops with Michael Fergot
Workshop | Description | From | To | Location |
Looking Up: Autumn in Australia | In this topsy-turvy time how do we skillfully navigate circumstances that could pull us down and bring suffering in order to reveal that capacity to fearlessly expand our perspective? Yogis expand their perspective to meet challenges and turn great burdens into transformative experiences... | May 4, 2013 at 2:00 pm | May 4, 2013 at 4:00 pm | Dumbo |