Aligning with the Sages

Led by: Kenny Graham
From December 15, 2012 at 2:00 pm until December 15, 2012 at 5:00 pm at Dumbo
The definition of Sage is one venerated for experience, judgement and wisdom. There are many poses named after the great sages of yoga, vasisthasana, visvamitrasana and matsyendrasana to name a few. With the knowledge of alignment we will take the postures dedicated to these great beings, unveiling our own deep inner wisdom with clarity and calm.5 before 12/8/12 5 thereafter

Kenny Graham
Drawing on his 23 years of yoga study and experience, Kenny Graham teaches yoga in a way that is accessible, intelligent and inspiring. His classes are taught as “form and flow” which blends breath work, meditation, movement and music...
Meet Kenny Graham