
Deep Dive into the Central Channel: Exploration of the Chakras and Central Channel through Asana and Meditation

Deep Dive into the Central Channel: Exploration of the Chakras and Central Channel through Asana and Meditation

Led by: Tara Glazier & Jennifer Dopierala

From October 21, 2018 at 12:30 pm until October 21, 2018 at 3:00 pm at Gowanus

In this 2.5 hour yoga and meditation workshop we will explore The 7 Chakras which correlate to the glandular plexuses within the Endocrine System. These plexuses originate along the central channel, our subtle yet powerful vertical center. As human beings, we are only as healthy as our endocrine system allows. The endocrine pumps hormones throughout the body which create an “elixir” that determines how we feel. It is possible to shift how we feel through the asanas we do AND it is possible to shift how we feel by the approach by which we open the channels of the body-mind.

Tara will skillfully guide students through an experiential and informative asana portion that touches on each chakra and correlating gland structure.

Jennifer leads the meditation portion by guiding students into the inner work of the central channel. Working with the body, and opening the central channel (sushumna nadi) brings in the life force energy we all need to thrive. Learning how to run your energy through opens and brings connection to the bigger space within and without.

Sunday, October 21st
12:30 - 3 PM
$45 early bird, $60 day of