Past Workshops

The Blissed-Out Series: Yin & Restorative Yoga

The Blissed-Out Series: Yin & Restorative Yoga

Led by:
May 6, 2012

Yin yoga, as opposed to yang yoga (the kind where you work to your edge and leave all sweaty) is a practice of releasing energy and emotion stored in the connective tissue of the body. Yin practice i...

Abhaya Book Club

Abhaya Book Club

Led by: Tara Glazier
May 6, 2012

We are excited to launch a series of conversations about some of our favorite yoga philosophy books! Deepen your understanding of various concepts behind our practice as we join together in community...

Kundalini Yoga Full Moon Ceremony

Kundalini Yoga Full Moon Ceremony

Led by:
May 5, 2012

Doing group work and meditation on the full moon is one of the most powerful times to align our consciousness with our highest selves. As the full moon exerts a gravitational pull on the tides, it als...

Master Class

Master Class

Led by: Lois Nesbitt
April 25, 2012

Recommit to expanding your practice and join our open-hearted community of yogis growing together on Wednesday afternoons. We are delighted to welcome back Lois Nesbitt, one of Anusara's most seasoned...

Brooklyn Residency

Brooklyn Residency

Led by:
April 18, 2012

In this monthly practice, a guest teacher will share their latest insights into a life and practice of yoga. Geared toward the Advanced student or teacher, this class is an intensive practice spa...

Community Yoga and Ayurvedic Cleanse

Community Yoga and Ayurvedic Cleanse

Led by: Scott Blossom
April 15, 2012

Join us for our first Abhaya Community Ayurvedic Cleanse! This week of transformation and renewal is tailored to people with an active life and work schedule. By combining a gentle whole food and herb...

Don't Be Afraid Of Acro!

Don't Be Afraid Of Acro!

Led by:
April 7, 2012

Join Lila for four Saturday night party classes followed by a workshop to introduce yourself to Acro! AcroYoga draws on the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics, and the loving ki...

Level 2 Mentor Program

Level 2 Mentor Program

Led by: Tara Glazier
April 7, 2012

This detailed program will be geared toward more experienced teachers and/ or those who have completed Level 1. This program will include a deeper examination of observation skills, hands-on adjustme...

RestoraThai: Restorative Yoga with Thai Bodywork Adjustments and Lullabies

RestoraThai: Restorative Yoga with Thai Bodywork Adjustments and Lullabies

Led by:
March 31, 2012

Sometimes dubbed adult naptime, restorative yoga is a series of completely supported passive postures held for minutes at a time. It offers a blissful respite from the demands of daily life. Full of...

The Four Desires

The Four Desires

Led by: Sue Neufeld
March 22, 2012

Come for a transformative weekend designed to help you uncover your unique dharma, the purpose of your soul. Take charge of your life, tap into your potential and control your destiny by: