Past Workshops

The Transformative Practice of Yoga- DEEPEN
Led by:
March 10, 2012
Saturday 2-5 p.m. DEEPEN: Hand balances, forward bends and twistsThe power of transformation is your own inner power. Hand balances to deepen your awareness and understanding of your own inne...

The Transformative Practice of Yoga- Weekend
Led by:
March 10, 2012
Saturday 2-5 p.m. DEEPEN: Hand balances, forward bends and twistsThe power of transformation is your own inner power. Hand balances to deepen your awareness and understanding of your own inne...

Abhaya Book Club
Led by: Sara Neufeld
March 4, 2012
We are excited to launch a series of conversations about some of our favorite yoga philosophy books! Deepen your understanding of various concepts behind our practice as we join together in community...

Level 1 Mentor Program
Led by: Tara Glazier
February 26, 2012
This in depth program is geared toward beginner teachers who would like to refine basic skills. This program will include segments on observation skills, hands-on adjustments, sequencing, and class/...

AcroYoga 101: FUNdamentals
Led by:
February 18, 2012
AcroYoga is a blend of partner yoga, partner balancing and Thai massage. It draws on the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics and the loving kindness of Thai massage. You don't ha...

Lakshmi and the New York Woman
Led by:
February 11, 2012
Beautiful, gracious Lakshmi is the beloved goddess of prosperity, harmony and exquisite well-being. According to tradition, everywoman is an embodiment of this goddess. How do traditional texts guide...

Sonic Breathwork: The Art of Playing the Didgeridoo
Led by:
February 4, 2012
Practice of the didgeridoo strengthens the core, expands lung capacity, and has recently been cited as an active treatment for sleep apnea. Explore the power of vibration, and gain the basic skills ne...

Master Class
Led by: Lois Nesbitt
February 1, 2012
Recommit to expanding your practice and join our open-hearted community of yogis growing together on Wednesday afternoons. We are delighted to welcome back Lois Nesbitt, one of Anusara's most seasoned...

Brooklyn Residency
Led by:
January 18, 2012
In this monthly practice, a guest teacher will share their latest insights into a life and practice of yoga. Geared toward the Advanced student or teacher, this class is an intensive practice spa...

Healing & Opening the Heart: Breathing the old year out, Breathing the new year in
Led by:
January 15, 2012
We will come together for an ancient pranayama practice that is at once invigorating, relaxing and healing. We will set clear intentions for the year that lies ahead of us and we will consciously let...