
Spring Mini-Cleanse: 10 Day Reset

Spring Mini-Cleanse: 10 Day Reset

Led by: Eduardo Martinez Diaz

From April 14, 2018 at 2:00 pm until April 14, 2018 at 3:30 pm at Gowanus

April 14 - April 24

(In person meetings April 14 and April 21 - 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm)

You want to FEEL BETTER IN YOUR BODY, HAVE MORE ENERGY and BALANCE YOUR BODY WEIGHT. You need a break from your current pattern to see what is possible for yourself.

This Spring Cleanse course is about taking time out of your overwhelming routine to meet your current and upcoming needs. You’ll use Ayurveda and Yoga guidelines to reconnect and feel great in your body. In this community-guided cleanse you’ll do all the things you already know you should be doing and you’ll be introduced to not-so-well-known yogic lifestyle practices of detoxing and rejuvenating. Think of this course as your key to preparing your body, mind and soul to the upcoming Warm Months.

What can you feel like after the 10 days Spring Cleanse?

You can feel lighter and uplifted. You can begin to crave that which is supportive for you in the Summer Days. You can feel mentally clearer about your goals and desires. Your body will be better equipped to handle allergies and hot weather. You can make better choices in many aspects of your life. You can incorporate new habits that will change the way you feel today and the way you age.

Is this a detox type cleanse?

Within the 10 days of the Spring Cleanse there is a simplified 3-day detox cleanse.

What is your investment?


Time: two live sessions (April 14 and April 21 - 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm)

Your time commitment to listen or read simplified material that will be coming your way during our time together.

Who is this cleanse for?

The Spring Cleanse is an all level experience. Some people will start the cleanse as coffee-drinking, tequila lovers, binge-watchers.... And others start with a zen-like clarity and yogic-like inner body purity. We have room for all, and there are many levels to engage.

How to Join?

Register and receive immediate instructions. Join us on April 14th at the Gowanus studio for kick off and orientation meeting.

How does the Mini-Cleanse work?

Intuitive Design

Within the 10-Day Cleanse, you’ll find a variety of cleanse options for you. These options will meet you at the place where you want to be. You will receive the tools to create the experience that is best for you. The first thing you will do is ease into a six days of clean living, then you’ll do your 3-day Ayurveda-inspired detox. After the detox you’ll have a day to help you exit gracefully and reflect in your journey.

Better Habits

After the Spring Mini-Cleanse you will have a tool belt of better-habits at your disposal. You’ll crave foods your body wants for consistent energy. You’ll be making choices that are better aligned with your long term goals. All in 10 rejuvenating days.

Live and Online Instruction

We’ll meet twice in person: Orientation meeting and Detox-Support meeting. The reboot also has audio lessons as well as an E-Book to guide you, step-by-step, through the process.

10 Day Support & Guidance

Aside from the in person course work, you’ll also get via e-mail preparatory audios, worksheets and information to get you ready for the week and for the 3-day detox, you’ll have support during the three detox days and support towards a graceful exit from the 3-day detox.

Connection on the Forum

Join us on the private forum for as long as you like. Connect with other cleansers and get support from yoga teachers and peers.

The Spring Mini-Cleanse will lead you into further developing your intuition to design a cleanse that is right for your body, mind, and spirit (AND your busy schedule).