Don't Be Afraid Of Acro!
Join Lila for four Saturday night party classes followed by a workshop to introduce yourself to Acro! AcroYoga draws on the spiritual wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of Thai massage. You don't have to be terrifically bendy, a massage expert, or a Dutch Acrobat. AcroYoga is tailor-made for yogis and yoginis, and no partner is necessary! Each of the classes in this series will focus on one or two aspects of the AcroYoga practice, and the series and workshop together will allow you to experience its breadth of transformative potential!Saturdays, April 7, 14, 21 and 287-8:30 p.m.Week 1: Trust & Intimacy Games + Group AsanaWeek 2: Partner Yoga, Strength Training, & Partner-Assisted InversionsWeek 3: Therapeutic Flying & Thai MassageWeek 4: Acrobatic Flying & Counterbalancing5 for series, 0 for individual sessions