Continuing Education

Learn to truly see your students with a refined eye and approach toward both the macro and the micro detail. With the power of clear seeing, a new perspective may come to life. Observation is step #1 before verbal cueing. Before we articulate what we want to say in the most impactful, clear, and simplest way, first we learn to become present and “see” with not only our eyes but sense and feel with our whole being. The PARA principle is the overarching principle of the Abhaya Method. Para refers to a deep abiding awareness; it literally means. Supreme. PARA teaches us to step back, to sense, and to not only see but feel the room. Cultivating the PARA principle allows us to be present and aware of the room collectively and see individually. From that open awareness, we as teachers can instruct from a place of clarity. Learn specific observation skills for viewing therapeutic patterns as well as simply appreciating the human beings in front of you. Skills: PARA observation Viewing breath patterns Viewing architectural structure Viewing muscular support Sensing prana, quality, and mood $65, $50 for alumni


The Power of Clear Seeing- The Art of Observation: Principles for Standing Poses and Vinyasa Movements

  • Date: Sunday 26th April, 2020
    12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Location: Abhaya Yoga Gowanus


Urban Yoga Retreat with Tara Glazier
Tara Glazier


Sunday 26th April, 2020
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Abhaya Yoga Gowanus