Past Workshops

Rekindling the Flame: Bhava-Rasa Yoga

Rekindling the Flame: Bhava-Rasa Yoga

Led by: Kathryn Robinson
May 27, 2017

Has your practice dulled? Do you feel a lack of connection in your life? If passion for your practice has dried up, you may be lacking rasa. Rasa means juice or essence. Bhav means true feeling sta...

Empathy In Asana: Yoga and Non-Violent Communication

Empathy In Asana: Yoga and Non-Violent Communication

Led by: Cat McCarthy
May 6, 2017

“Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and righting, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”- Rumi

Conflict happens, so learn to handle it well. Disputes typically occur when o...

Teaching Prenatal Yoga

Teaching Prenatal Yoga

Led by: Jennifer Pettit E-RYT 500
April 29, 2017

Learn how to modify a regular asana practice for the prenatal and postpartum yoga student in an open class.

When?Saturday, April 29th, 2pm-5pm


CE17: Thematic Integration

CE17: Thematic Integration

Led by: Tara Glazier
April 15, 2017

Thematic Integration Saturday April 15, 2-5pm Have you ever desired to bring your yoga class to the next level by integrating philosophical, qualitative, poetic, Ayurvedic, or deeper life lessons into...

Classical Yoga Nidra

Classical Yoga Nidra

Led by: Sue Neufeld
April 2, 2017

This nourishing workshop calls on the healing practices of Classical Yoga Nidra for deep relaxation and powerful transformation. Yoga Nidra is an altered state of relaxed awareness which dis...

The Vayus

The Vayus

Led by: Sue Neufeld
April 1, 2017

The Prana Vayus are the pathways of energy in our body. There are five pathways, each directing a different flow of our energy. Students will learn to identify which pathways are open and which are...

CE17: Therapeutic Assessment & Applied Therapeutics for Teachers Part 1

CE17: Therapeutic Assessment & Applied Therapeutics for Teachers Part 1

Led by: Tara Glazier
March 18, 2017

Therapeutic Assessment & Applied Therapeutics for Teachers Part 1 Focus: Knee, Hip, Low Back Pain. In this 3 hour workshop ( a perfect development from the Hands on workshop), we will dive into Th...

The Recognition Sutras

The Recognition Sutras

Led by: Christopher Hareesh Wallis
March 11, 2017

What does it mean to truly recognize yourself, seeing your innate divinity and your connection to everything? This question is answered in the classic text of Tantrik Yoga, The Recognition Sutras (...

What is Awakening

What is Awakening

Led by: Christopher Hareesh Wallis
March 9, 2017

All the ancient masters of yoga without exception say that this practice has a purpose: full awakening to our real nature and radical freedom from all mind-created suffering. So why is there so lit...

CE17: The Power of Clear Seeing and Speech; Observation & Verbal Instruction

CE17: The Power of Clear Seeing and Speech; Observation & Verbal Instruction

Led by: Tara Glazier
February 11, 2017

The Power of Clear Seeing and Speech; Observation & Verbal Instruction Friday, October 13th, 3-5PM How we really see our students affects how we verbally instruct.  With the power of cle...