
Yoga of Sound & Devotion: an intro to Bhakti

Yoga of Sound & Devotion: an intro to Bhakti

Led by:

From March 7, 2015 at 2:00 pm until March 7, 2015 at 4:30 pm at Dumbo

Place the name of RAMA as a jeweled lamp at the door of your lips and there will be light, as you will, both inside and out. - Tulsi DasKeely and Aaron have a profound love for chanting. Singing our hearts out is a gateway to the soul, allowing us to move from the limiting aspects of the mind's judgements and concerns into the serenity found in the flux between vibration and silence. Sound colors our moods and sentiments, our joys and fears, love and pain. Chanting illuminates our blockages and serves a tool to move beyond them. This workshop will focus on how to use your voice to heal, introducing mantras and their meanings, and pranayama to open the vocal chords and increase conscious breathing. We will begin with yoga asana to allow the prana (energy/life force) to flow more freely in the body prior to the chanting practice.5/5 (after 2/28)